An economic understanding of “the Parable of Martha and Mariam”

dc.contributor.authorTsetskhladze, Murman
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dc.description.abstractSome scientists deem that Christian understanding of economic activity, property and wealth is ambivalent and bring as an examples almost mutually exclusive theses from the homilies of church fathers. For instance, Saint Clement of Alexandria teaches us that right of property generates from friendship of man with God. It is precious gift of God. Saint John Chrysostom instructs: “Talk to me not about rich, but talk to me about them, who are slaves of richness. Saint Job was rich, but was not serving the Mammon.” But elsewhere the same John Chrysostom severely condemns richness: “It corrupts the soul”, “The soul of the wealthy is full of evil” and etc. Frequently, such a combination of citations can actually lead us to error, so it is necessary to apply original source and to see in what context the citation is situated and generally, what kind of attitude Christian doctrine has towards the economic activity. In the work there is represented, according to holy scripture, what should primary concern of Christian be, what is his/her task and what place labor and wealth should take in his/her earthly life, how he/she should obtain and dispose of it. The focus is on the primary sources and not on the opinions of the author.en_US
dc.identifier.citationVI International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 425-432en_US
dc.publisherIvane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Pressen_US
dc.subjectChristianity, Work, Wealth, Charity, Paradiseen_US
dc.titleAn economic understanding of “the Parable of Martha and Mariam”en_US
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