რუსეთისა და კავკასიის ბიპოლარული მხატვრული სახეები XIX საუკუნის ქართულ ლიტერატურაში

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ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
The report analyzes the bipolar tropology of Russia and the Caucasus in the Georgian literature of the XIX century, taking into account the historical reality and a comparative analysis of the literature. An attempt is made to explain what kind of changes in Georgian literature were caused by the loss of Georgian statehood in the early 19th century and the processes before which Georgia somehow closed its doors to the East under Georgievsky’s treatise and became a member of a new geopolitical area; An attempt is made to explain how Georgian public opinion (the struggle of fathers and sons) was divided over Russia’s entry and establishment in the Caucasus; What was the result of Georgia’s voluntary or involuntary surrender of the history of its statehood in favor of universal Christian history? How it was reflected in Georgian literature that “Russian Orthodox Messianism” had nothing to do with Georgian Christianity and, moreover, with the Georgian national spirit. The Georgian literature of the XIX century thoroughly reflected the ongoing cultural-civilizational processes at the turn of the epochs, the negative evaluation of the Georgian-Caucasian civilization by Russia and, consequently, the existing historical geopolitical reality. The literature reflected the crisis of the Georgian society due to the uncertainty in front of the civilized choice. I think that the invincibility of this civilizational crisis (and, especially, the assassination of Ilia) led to the short-lived independence of Georgia in the early 20th century and a new spiritual crisis with a civilizational crisis. The report discusses the XIX century as an era of geopolitical changes and ways to reflect these changes and crises in Georgian fiction.
ქართული ლიტერატურა, XIX საუკუნე, რუსეთი, კავკასია, მხატვრული სახე, Georgian literature, XIX century, Russia, Caucasus, Tropology
სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია „XIX საუკუნე – ეპოქათა მიჯნა“, თეზისები, თბილისი, 2021, გვ. 13-16 / Scientific Conference XIX CENTURY – THE BOUNDARY OF EPOCHS, ABSTRACTS, Tbilisi, 2021 pp. 13-16