Transformation of forms of employment in the context of the global pandemic (დასაქმების ფორმების ტრანსფორმაცია გლობალური პანდემიის პირობებში)

In the conditions of the modern global pandemic, a necessary condition for economic development represents the formation of a flexible labor market that adequately responds to the rapidly changing conditions of the economic system. Such non-standard forms of employment and working hours have spread, as: various types of borrowed labor (staff leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing); Remote employment, various forms of television work; Freelancers, and more. They are considered to be tools for adapting to the constantly changing conditions of the economy and therefore the main purpose of their use is to realize the interests of labor market entities. In addition, the practice of using modern forms of employment is characterized by the rational use of working time and it significantly expands the employment opportunities of vulnerable groups (youth, women, disabled people, retirees, etc.), as well as helps enterprises to overcome the crisis. Helps them to increase work efficiency and reduce production costs, at the expense of optimal use of labor resources. Accordingly, the scientific paper presents the peculiarities of the transformation of the main forms of employment in developed countries, in the current global pandemic. Particular attention is paid to the study of the development of non-standard forms of employment and the evaluation of their effectiveness. In particular, the main conceptual approaches are discussed. The impact of Covid-19 on employment and the overall process of economic development is studied
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Employment, Pandemic, Global crisis, Non-standard employment, Remote employment
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 396-405