Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on statistical trends in Georgia's export relations with EU countries

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Under the conditions for modern level and scales of deepening the integrating processes, it is important to make the correct evaluation of the economic relations having been developed between Georgia and European Union The paper discusses the main trends in Georgia's foreign trade with EU countries, analyzes the main statistical characteristics of foreign trade, reveals current trends in export relations, details the changes in the commodity structure, as well as trends in the geographical structure during the study period. In characterizing the geographical structure of exports, the emphasis is on the characteristics of export relations with the top three countries of the period. The commodity structural changes characteristic for each period are analyzed, the indicators of the level of foreign trade are calculated, the characteristics of the opening up of the economy are analyzed on the basis of export and import quotas. According to the final results, the paper draws the appropriate conclusions.
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ევროკავშირი, ექსპორტი, ტენდენცია, საგარეო ვაჭრობა
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 13-19