COVID-19 pandemic and agri-food production (COVID-19 პანდემია და აგროსასურსათო პროდუქტების წარმოება)

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on economies around the world. The purpose of this article is to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agri-food production and producers in Georgia, as well as to identify challenges in this field in pandemic conditions. For this purpose, was processed information on the production of annual and perennial crops. Also, 77 agrofood product producers or exporters from different regions of Georgia were interviewed. The survey was conducted using electronic channels. As a result, were identified the main challenges and production prospects typical for agro-food producers in Georgia during the pandemic. In particular, 53.3% of respondents said that the pandemic had not affected the volume of production of their product, the production volume have decreased for 23.4% of producers, while 9.1% of producers have restricted the export of the product to the international market. Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the current indicators of agri-food production are positive. Products of annual production crops and perennial production crops are characterized by an increasing trend of development.
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COVID-19 პანდემია, წარმოება, აგროსასურსათო პროდუქტი, ერთწლიანი კულტურები, მრავალწლიანი კულტურები
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 307-315