Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on unemployment in Georgia: a statistical research (Covid-19 პანდემიის გავლენა უმუშევრობაზე საქართველოში: სტატისტიკური კვლევა)

The article discusses the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the unemployment rate and regional distribution in Georgia. The pandemic has had a significant negative impact on the labor market in all countries, including Georgia, which has been reflected primarily in job losses. In addition, the restrictions imposed due to the pandemic have caused particular damage to the self-employed, who are present in large numbers in Georgia. Although a number of anti-pandemic measures were taken in the country, the living standards of the population were still significantly reduced.In order to make a complex study of Coronomics, it is important to calculate and analyze the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its impact on unemployment. Statistical analysis of these indicators is extremely important as it will be to some extent a basis for assessing both pandemic and postpandemic problems and implementing appropriate policies. As a result of the research, unemployment trends are revealed according to the administrative regions of Georgia, as well as the grouping of regions according to above-average and below-average unemployment levels. Differentiated and specific statistical indicators are then calculated, which is the basis for formulating cautious conclusions.
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Covid-19 pandemic, household, unemployment rate, grouping, administrative region
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 71-79