Analysis of the experience of the Baltic States and its deliberation in the formation of Georgian labor market policy (in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic) (ბალტიის ქვეყნების გამოცდილების ანალიზი და მისი გათვალისწინება საქართველოს შრომის ბაზრის პოლიტიკის ფორმირებაში (კოვიდ-19 პანდემიის კონტექსტით))

The article analyzes the measures to be taken in order to improve the results of labor market policy. The article discusses labor market policies developed by international organizations for countries with transitional economies. In addition, examples are given of countries that have successfully implemented this policy. The article also focuses on the problems associated with economic policy-making process, suggests ways to solve these problems, and facilitate effective labor market policy-making process. At the same time article discusses the changes in the labor market caused by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges that economic policy makers are facing due to the new reality. This article suggests the ways to address the effects of the pandemic in the economic policy-making process.
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labor market policy; Economic policymakers; Policy results; transitional economies; The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 192-201