Impact of Corona-Pandemic on small business in Georgia: situation, challenges and opportunities (კორონა-პანდემიის გავლენა მცირე ბინესზე საქართველოში: მდგომარეობა, გამოწვევები და შესაძლებლობები)

The present paper substantiates the relevance of the topic and defines the purpose and methods of the research.The essence and importance of small business in the Georgian economy is explained; Justifiably why the world and Georgia went to limit the spread of the virus, to maintain human health and life, and not to economic recession. Analyzes and assesses the situation of small businesses in the context of restrictions imposed against the spread of the corona-pandemic; It is shown that the corona-pandemic and restrictions on its spread dealt the first and biggest blow to small businesses compared to large businesses. Particularly are affected small enterprises in the sphere, which have a direct connection with buyers (clients). Various types of Georgian business are characterized by how they slow down to adapt and change in the midst of pandemics, how they transform, change into a completely new sphere of activity, save and become. Small business development prospects and main directions are predicted after the completion of the Covid-Pandemic restrictive measures in Georgia. The main directions of transformations based on the introduction of digital technologies in small businesses in Georgia are proposed. also, key imperatives must be protected to accelerate business recovery
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small business, corona-pandemic, constraints, adaptation, survival, development, prospects
International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Establishment of the University and the 100th Anniversary of the Faculty of Economics and Business “Covid 19 Pandemic and Economics”, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 283-292