სვანეთი რომაულ სასაზღვრო ციხე-სიმაგრეების სისტემაში

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Romano-Georgian relations date back to the 1st century B.C. and are divided into several phases. Some scholars think that Roman garrisons first appeared in Colchis during Augustus’ reign (63 BC. – 14 AD.), others – in the 60s of the 1st century, the third group – by the reign of Vespasian (69-79 AD.). Most of scholars think that Roman garrisons were placed in the remote points to oversee the Darial and Daruband passes. Probably barbarian raids from the North of the Caucasian mountains represented very acute problem in the 1st century AD. The placement of Roman garrisons served two aims: to defend Rome’s Eastern provinces; to gain control over the Caucasus. The barbarians from the North could always disturb political equilibrium in the Roman East. Considering this it was hardly surprising that the Romans tried to establish control over the Caucasus range. Without it Rome would not be able to stop barbarian raids and to secure trade over the Black Sea. In my opinion the Romans, apart from the Darial and Daruband, controlled the passes with the help of the locals, Svanetians. The proposed theory is borne out by the artifacts unearthed during the TSU archaeological expedition of Svaneti (guided by Z. Kvitsiani) in Shkhibari, village Zeda Marghi, Chuberi district. In depth of 50 cm. in the ditch around an observing post a “T”-like fibula was found. This is the first finding of such a fibula. By controlling the passes with the Svanetians’ help, the Romans were able to control barbarian movements from beyond the mountain range. The Roman presence also enabled the establishment and expansion of Roman culture. Roman traditions played huge role in Colchis’ and, in particular, Svaneti’s future historical-cultural development, which was oriented towards the Christian world. The newly-found artifacts further strengthen the above-mentioned theory that for the control of the mountain passes the Romans were helped with the local auxiliary force. Svaneti in Roman times served as one of the strategic and military regions.
სვანეთი, ციხე-სიმაგრეები, დარიალი, დარუბანდი, კოლხეთი
ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, VIII, თბილისი, 2013-2014, გვ. 52-65 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, VIII, Tbilisi, 2013-2014, pp. 52-65