Georgia leads in prosociality: comparison to cross-cultural economic experiment (საქართველო ლიდერობს პროსოციალურობით: შედარება კულტურათშორის ეკონომიკურ ექსპერიმენტთან)

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Recent experimental economic research highlights the importance of Altruism and prosociality in many economic relations. Our experiment replicates the cross-cultural public goods game experiment conducted in 16 different countries by (Herrmann, Thöni, and Gächter 2008). We find that the mean contributions in standard public goods experiment with voluntary contribution in Tbilisi participant pool appears the highest compared to 16 experiment participant pool of different countries. Moreover, our experimental results show surprisingly flat pattern of mean contributions, indicating on strong evidence of altruism and prosociality. Individual level experimental data tentatively suggests, the repeated game incentives and considerable portion of altruism seems to reinforce each other and motivate subjects’ genuine generosity reputation building, as it is a distinct and esteemed character of Georgian culture. In our view, our results of strong evidence of altruism contributes to the cross-cultural economic research of human cooperation.
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Prosociality, altruism, culture, human cooperation, public goods experiment
Economics and Business, №1, 2021, pp. 104-114