An updated approach for the value chain in times of digital transformation

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The purpose of this article is to introduce a new configuration of the value chain in view of the digital transformation. The value chain is a very important management concept. In times of digitalization this concept has to be adjusted in terms of composition and interaction of different components. The scientific approach is conceptual and analytical. To start with, the activities of value creation will be examined and rearranged. Second, the logical connection and interaction will be verified as the basis for digitalization. The scientific aim is to contribute a contemporary approach of the value chain in combination with the digital transformation to academic discussion. The substantiation for the rearrangement of activities is well based on theoretical and statistical examination. In summary, one major conclusion can be drawn: not only activities should be analyzed for value creation, but much more the linking process. The product management process for example is considered for examination.
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Value chain, digital transformation, activities, innovation, technology
Economics and Business, №1, 2021, pp. 87-103