New approaches to higher education marketing (conceptual review) (უმაღლესი განათლების მარკეტინგის ახალი მიდგომები (კონცეპტუალური მიმოხილვა))

Education is a key factor in the development of any society. The formation of modern approaches and vision of teaching in higher education institutions is a necessary requirement for their involvement in the process of internationalization. The current global processes and integration into the European higher education system pose significant challenges to Georgian universities. Participation in the European educational space requires new marketing approaches, which must be taken into account to ensure the competitiveness of universities. The use of the latest approaches to marketing strategies allows universities to determine the optimal number of students, determine the levels of student satisfaction with the services offered, improve the quality of teaching and diversify educational services. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the competition in the market of educational services is intensified, new technologies are introduced, and the level of student awareness is rising. Consequently, students’ expectations and demands are also increasing. So existing paradigms are changing, and universities are facing a new marketing reality. Given this, exploring new approaches to marketing in higher education is a highly topical issue. The most important determinants of education marketing are the image that creates a positive attitude towards the universities in the students’ consciousness. The university’s image is seen as a combination of tangible and intangible aspects, which is the basis for building a good reputation. Image and reputation are interrelated variables that define perceptions of students, society, and employers about universities. Strengthening the image of universities ensures student satisfaction and loyalty. The indices used to assess student satisfaction determine how well a university can meet student expectations, ensure perceived teaching quality and career advancement. The quality of service, which is an essential element of education marketing, is directly related to student satisfaction and loyalty. Today the involvement of students at different levels of the learning process is now done through digital technologies. In terms of social media use, there are new trends in higher education marketing. Examples include: • Strengthening e-learning. • Using video ads on social media in universities. • Creating easy-to-understand applications for students. • Building partnerships with customers and more. Particularly noteworthy is the intensification of influencer marketing in education, which plays a significant role in student awareness and behavior. Social media marketing and influencer marketing are directly involved in creating value for students as well as building knowledge and experience about specific services. Highly correlated with influencer marketing is word-of-mouth marketing, which shapes the perceptions gained through direct relationships about students’ expectations and perceptions. Recently, the role of mobile internet in educational processes has also increased widely. In today’s educational space, television advertising has almost been exchanged by digital communications, which have, in effect, replacing the role of traditional advertising in education marketing. For many universities, their internet video has become the primary digital ad. Such video ads capture the attention of the student audience and make their responses particularly active. In terms of education marketing, research was conducted in Georgia on the challenges and successes of the local education space. However, these studies are not enough. In this regard, an in-depth analysis of all the problems that hinder the efficiency of education in our country’s universities and the establishment of high standards is necessary. Particular attention should be paid to the marketing analysis of higher education in our country. From this point of view, it is essential to know how new standards of higher education are introduced, how they are promoted and adapted to European realities in Georgian reality.
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High education; educational services market; education marketing; determinants of education marketing
Economics and Business, №3, 2021, pp. 87-102