The role of human capital in the inclusive green growth (ადამიანისეული კაპიტალის როლი ინკლუზიური მწვანე ზრდის უზრუნველყოფაში)

The concept of inclusive "green" growth is based on the stimulation of economic growth and development and the sustainability of natural assets, the ecosystem effectiveness principles. For this it is necessary to increase investment and innovation, which is the basis for sustainable development. Human capital is one of the fundamental factors for inclusive green growth. The paper deals with the essence of the human capital index as the measure of volume of human capital. It is the modern measure developed by the World Bank, which focuses on the productivity of next generation. In this paper highlighted that without human capital it is impossible to achieve sustainable economic growth, as well as the formation of qualified worker’s controllers and maintain competitiveness on the world economic arena. Therefore, it is important to create the necessary conditions for the development of human capital.
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Human Capital, Human Capital Index, Green Growth
Proceedings of Materials of International Scientific Conference “Current Problems of Formation of Green Economy”, 2019, , pp.263-268