საქართველოს სახელმწიფოებრივი დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენის ისტორიისათვის (1918 წლის 26 მაისი)

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ივანე ჯავახიშვილის სახელობის თბილისის სახელმწიფო უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
The struggle for the restoration of Georgia's state independence was a long process. This national movement had several stages and entered a decisive phase after the overthrow of the Russian monarchy. The Georgian political elite gradually implemented the steps leading to independence and they are as follows: 1. After the overthrow of the Russian monarchy, the inter-party council became the leading body of the Georgian national movement. The creation and functioning of the national inter-party council was the first stage of the struggle for Georgian statehood. Chronological framework or the first stage is April 1917-November 1917. 2. From November 1917, with the creation of the Transcaucasian Commissariat and the National Council, the second stage of the movement for statehood began in Georgia – this was a period of political autonomy for Georgia. 3. The capture of Tbilisi arsenal in December 1917 and the successful defense operations of January-February, 1918 were the start of the third stage of the struggle for Georgia's independence albeit as a part of Transcaucasian state. This was finally formalized with the establishment of the Transcaucasian Diet and achievement of de facto independence of Transcaucasia – Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia were now de facto free countries. Transcaucasian Sejm appeared as a union of three de facto independent political units loosely connected with each other as a part of confederal state. 4. With the creation of the Democratic Federal Republic of Transcaucasia and the declaration of independence, the fourth and final stage of the movement for the independence of Georgia began, which ended up with the declaration of independence of Georgia and the creation of the first republic.
საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა, პოლიტიკური პარტიები, დამოუკიდებლობის აღდგენა
საქართველოს ისტორიის ინსტიტუტის შრომები, XVIII, თბილისი, 2022, გვ. 330-371/ Institute of Georgian History Proceedings, XVIII, Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 330-371