Assessment of the potential of the agro-tourism market in Georgia (on the example of Kakheti) (საქართველოს აგრორურისტული ბაზრის პოტენციალის შეფასება (კახეთის მაგალითზე))

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The agro-tourism market in Georgia has significant development potential. The trend of increasing consumption of agro-food products by the population makes the interest and importance of the development of this area even more relevant. The article examines the potential of the agro-tourism market in the Kakheti region, identifies the opportunities for the development of agro-tourism, examines the factors hindering the development of the market, evaluates the role of the state in the development of agro-tourism, using appropriate methods, shows the levers for stimulating the growth of agro-tourism products. The work develops economic, legal and organizational mechanisms for the development of the agro-tourism market. The article draws conclusions about the trends in the development of the agro-tourism market, offers recommendations on ways to effectively use the potential opportunities of this market in the post-pandemic period.
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agrotourism market, market development trend, agro-food production, market potential
VII International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2022, pp. 234-240