Deposits, banks and “the initial accumulation of capital” in post-communist Georgia

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
In the post-communist transitional period, the administrative-commanding (“socialist”) economy is being transformed into a capitalist market economy. “The initial accumulation of capital” is a part of this process, which has been carried out to a certain extent in every post-communist country and was expressed in deep socio-economic differentiation of the society. In Georgia it had a particularly acute nature in Georgia and the banking system was organically involved in this process. In the work there is given an attempt to answer the following questions: How was the new Georgian capital created? What are the ways of enriching a small part of the population and impoverishing of the vast majority of the population? Where did the huge amount of money deposited in banks by the population during the Soviet period go? To whom was transferred the largest share of the former state property? Based on the conducted research, the following conclusions are made in the article: In the Soviet period Georgia did not have an independent banking system and money circulation was fully controlled by the Central Bank of the Soviet Union. The reforms in banking sphere were started by Z. Gamsakhurdia’s government. The first steps were taken first in the direction of the formation of two-er and then to three-er banking structures, but the military coup slowed down this process. The planned economy collapsed with the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and the economic relations which were intertwined between the former allied republics broke. Under such conditions emerged the hidden inflation which subsequently developed into hyperinflation. Depositors frightened by the danger of losing their savings, raced to banks to withdraw their money but they were unable to receive their own money, since the issuer of the ruble was a former metropolis – Russia which did not give Georgia money banknotes anymore. Hyperinflation “ate” most of 13 billion of rubles that had been deposited in the bank by population during the Soviet period, but some part of the savings had not gone away without a trace, but it turned out in the hands of a small group of “cray” people. This fact was contributed significantly by the sluggishness of the then-government and to a certain degree its criminal policy. The example of the latter can be considered the National Bank’s so-called “so” monetary policy, under which the National Bank gave the absolutely unreasonable amount of credit. The largest part of them flew to the “Caucasian Exchange”, and then by currency manipulations was converted to dollars, then dollars were transformed into rubles, then coupons, the latter again to dollars, and so on. This was the inflation spiral through which certain individuals got rich but the vast majority of the population got poor, and the economy was collapsing. The role of banks privatization was important in population’s impoverishment. In this process the absolutely most of the funds in the banks appeared in the hands of their leadership. Today it is absolutely clear that, as a result of privatization carried out at the initial stage of post-communist transformation, in Georgia, it was established not only “market economy” but also “market society”, which is distinguished by the sharply expressed economic (property, income) diversification and high degree of social injustice. Over the past three decades, population’s economic and social differentiation in our country has not decreased, but it increased on the contrary and the civilized and socially oriented market economy remains a distant prospect for today’s population of Georgia.
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Post-Communist Economic Transformation, “Intiial Accumulation of Capital”, Privatization of Banks, Population's Deposits, Population's Property Differentiation, Social Justice
Economics and Business, №1, 2019, pp. 16-28