Georgia’s transit function in the framework of China’s belt and road initiative

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Traditional friendship between Georgia and China started from the great silk road. Currently, Georgia is participating in Belt and Road initiative. This initiative creates a new model of mutual cooperation, promotes the establishment of the world system of transport corridors, the protection of the interests of all parties involved and the development of the global role of China. Georgia-China relations develop rapidly in recent years. China is an important trading partner of Georgia and is a source of investment. Georgia is due to its location, is a promising transit function for China. It connects China to Europe with land and sea routes. One of the main priorities of the Georgian government is the transport center between Georgia and Europe. The work focuses on the importance of the belt and road initiative, showing Georgia's transit capabilities, analyzing the current state of Georgia-China cooperation in the field of trade and investment.
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Belt and Road Initiative; Silk Road; Transit; logistic;, china; Georgia
III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 445-450