The problems of management in small and medium business in Georgia

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Business management in our country is very difficult and dynamic process. Which significantly affects the ongoing economic and political processes in the country. The fastest negative events are the result of small and medium-sized businesses, because management of this type of business in Georgia will be the most exhausting. It should be noted that between small, medium and large businesses the sharp disproportion cause the gaps and management mistakes, such as: Conformity between production and market potential, lack of delegation, weak communication between manager and the staff, blurred structure (that is not separate or incorrect separation between rights and duties and responsibilities), reflection of business and competitive relationships on personal relationships and other. The reasons for these problems are often the low level of education, the lack of information and the lack of financial resources. However, the problem can be solved with the help of entrepreneurs' education level, special government education programs and Small and medium business financial support.
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Small business; management; problem; education
III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 33-36