Employment and new jobs - dilemma of Georgian economics

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Unemployment is an important socio-economic phenomenon and it is not easy to solve in Georgia. In order to overcome the difficult situation in the labour market, a new public policy is needed with its goals, objectives and ways in which it can be achieved. The main goal of the public policy in the labour market is to improve employment and reduce unemployment. The following conclusions can be made from our analysis: It is noteworthy that there has been a sharp demographic change in recent years, which is reflected in the reduction of work forces. All this is caused by the outflow of people from the country and the unstable change in the birth rate. All of this is caused by the outflow of people from the country and the unstable birth rate change. The negative balance of recent migration can be seen in both negative and positive contexts. On the one hand, brain drain deprives the country of its intellectual capacity in the short term, and on the other hand, if migrants return, the country will return more qualified staff and the effective use of their knowledge is crucial to the country's economy. It is noteworthy that the Georgian economy is undergoing a transformation into a service economy, which requires, on the one hand, to raise the level of qualification of employees in the sector for productivity and quality growth, and on the other hand, to increase jobs and employment prospects in the future; Important measures are being taken in the financial sector, such as financial intermediation, capital market and pension reform, and insurance. Demand for service workers is very high. This is a special opportunity for young people (hotel staff, call center operators, waiters, cooks, advertisers, security guards, couriers, IT specialists) along with rapid growth of tourism and other services. The model of employment policy should be based on the social, economic, demographic situation of the country and the peculiarities of its traditions. The program should be of a complex nature. Along with raising the level of employment, it must take into account the efficiency, conditions, structure, nature of employment and etc.
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unemployment, employment, job cuts, education and employee qualifications, decent retirement lives
The 4th International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2019, pp. 118-124