კოგნიტური მეტაფორები თანამედროვე იტალიურ და ქართულ მასმედიაში: კოვიდ 19

There are different types of theories for studying metaphors. Traditionally, metaphor was viewed in terms of linguistic form and it was interpreted as a means of artistic expression, a form of poetic thought. More recently, however, researchers have focused on the empirical nature of metaphor in cognitive and psychological contexts. Thus, the role of human conceptual thinking in relation to language has become important in the process of language learning. In cognitive linguistics, metaphor is defined as the understanding of one conceptual domain in terms of another domain, e.g. when we talk about LIFE AS JOURNEY; ARGUENING AS A WAR. Such understanding of metaphor is linked to our daily experience. We know exactly (from our experience) what travelling or war is and we use them to understand abstract concepts (life, argument). We try to explain abstract concepts with the help of specific concepts. The aim of the paper was to establish and analyze how one of the biggest problems of the modern world, Kovid-19, was established as a cognitive metaphor in the Italian and Georgian mass media and which linguistic metaphors are used to describe it; which source domains of cognitive metaphors are conceptualized by the coronavirus; what kind of conceptual metaphors predominate in human discourse in general; what are the similarities and differences between the Italian and Georgian examples. Based on the analysis, once again, it was revealed how the physical world around us, and the personal experience formed as a result of the relationship with it, plays a great part in understanding the abstract domain. The analysis of the collected material revealed two main conceptual metaphors in Italian and Georgian languages: THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID IS WAR and COVID IS A NATURAL DISASTER. Both languages fully process the metaphorical entailments that make up these conceptual metaphors.
დანტე ალიგიერის გარდაცვალებიდან 700 წლისთავისადმი მიძღვნილი საერთაშორისო სამეცნიერო კონფერენცია/ International Scientific Conference Dedicated to the 700th Anniversary of the Death of Dante Alighieri
მეტაფორა, კოვიდ 19, საქართველო, იტალია, metaphor, covid 19, Georgia, Italy
დანტეს შემოქმედება, როგორც მსოფლიო კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის საგანძური, თეზისები, 2021, გვ.: 16-21/ Dante’s Creative Work as the Treasure of the World Cultural Heritage, Abstracts, 2021, p.: 16-21