სახალხო დიპლომატია რონალდ რეიგანის სტრატეგიულ ხედვაში

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Aim of this article is to analyze a role of public diplomacy in Ronald Reagan’s strategic vision. Research focuses on the evaluation of the U.S.-Soviet relations in terms of pursuing a policy of "Peace through Strength”. The present research is interdisciplinary, as it combines various academic fields from the humanities, social and political sciences. Based on the primary sources, research shows that Ronald Reagan’s vision to achieve peace through strength in the world involved public diplomacy. Research results indicate that using public diplomacy to counter Soviet ideology was a direct objective of Reagan’s foreign policy toward the Soviet Union.
კონფერენცია ეძღვნება მეიფლაუერის ხელშეკრულების დადების მე-400 წლისთავს/ The 2020 Annual conference of the American Studies is dedicated to the 400th Anniversary of the Signing of the Mayflower Compact
სახალხო დიპლომატია, დონალდ რეიგანი, აშშ, Public Diplomacy, Donald Reagan, USA
ამერიკისმცოდნეობის 21-ე ყოველწლიური საერთაშორისო კონფერენცია, 2020/ 21th International Annual Conference on American Studies, 2020