The role of lending system in solving agrarian problems (on the example of Georgia)

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The article analyzes the role of lending system in the agricultural sector, justifies the need for lending to the agricultural sector, discusses the positive and negative factors affecting the attraction of loans, shows the impact of loans in the agricultural sector on agricultural production. Georgia is a small country with a wide range of agricultural crops and different climatic zones. Each region, zone or culture is characterized by a certain risk. Unlike other sectors of the economy, the agrarian sector is characterized by a number of features, the consideration and timely solution of which ensures the further development of this sector. To this end, it is very important to activate the economic levers of state support, in particular, to strengthen the role of the credit sector in the agricultural sector. It is important for the state to create real legislative guarantees for agricultural development and food security. The activation of the lending mechanism of the agricultural sector will make it possible to increase the production of agricultural products in the country, which will facilitate the efficient functioning of the country’s food market and stimulate the export of food products.
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Agrocredit, agroinsurance, agrarian sector, food market, farm
VI International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 190-195