Discussion aspects of conceptual framework for financial reporting

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Based on the methods of comparative analysis and professional judgment, the article discusses the recent changes in the “Сonceptual Frameworks for Financial Standards” regarding the definition of assets and its valuation methods, and the relevant conclusions are made. The following conclusions and recommendations are made: • Assets’ impairment losses are calculated from the sale of products made by the noncurrent asset based on future cash flows, whereas finished goods are not produced solely through the participation of long-term assets; • The probability of the influence of uncertainties and subjective factors is high. In particular, management may show a profit even in the event of an economic crisis or show a loss in order to reduce the tax burden; • The revaluation methodology is also influenced by changes in the financial policy of the banking sector, which further increases the degree of uncertainty; • Due to the fact that the conceptual basis of financial reporting is global in nature, the application of existing methodologies in individual countries may provoke economic crises internationally. Recommendations: • Revaluation of long-term assets should be done only at the time of their decommissioning and in case of any serious damage; • The definition of assets should be formulated as follows: An asset is a resource that an enterprise controls as a result of past events and has the potential to generate economic benefits.
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asset, resource, right, asset valuation, valuation concepts
VI International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 445-451