On the issue of theological and economic understanding of acquisitiveness and bribery

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
Sacred Letter and other unique Orthodoxy sources always served as foundation in order to direct economical efforts. They presented world outline and theoretical basics in Georgia. During the ages in this country economics was comprehended as science about honest labor, housekeeping and about national economics in general. Main principles always were: to create with love, to support beggars, to direct business with own forces. Unfortunately for decades were lost the model of action, based on Christian dogmas. So, separate episodes of this work are creating definite meanings about those negative consequences that bring greediness and cupidity to individuals and to society. Sacred Letter, Testament and other unique Orthodoxy sources for ages warn about this. According to our minds, Orthodoxy basical ideas and economical principles have unique character and right they must serve as foundation for Georgian economics, and State management in general.
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The Bible; Bribe; Sin; Unemployed income; Corruption
VI International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2021, pp. 410-416