დროის პრობლემა უილიამ ბეროუზის რომანში "შიშველი საუზმე" (ბიბლიური პარალელები)

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უნივერსიტეტის გამომცემლობა
In the literature and art of twentieth century, the problem of space and time occures sharper then ever. In “Naked Lunch” of William Burroughs time aspect is one of the most important issues. However, as it is charachteristic for post-modernist literature, the author beffl es readers. “Naked Lunch” consists of not one, but numers of Biblical paralels, which are presented chaotidy and each part is connected to the frame of time. As Burroughs mentions: “The addict runs on junk time. His body is his clock, and junk runs though it like an burglass. Time has meanin for him only with reference to his need. Then he makes his abrupt instrusion into the time of others, and, like all Outsiders, all Petiotioners, he must wait, unless he happens to mesh with non-junk time”. Though, the author does not speak about existance of any specifi c time, because time is straightforward. Past, present and future is smushed into each other and by that coexist in one second. So, occures a quection, which one of those “time: does really exist? As St Augustine says: “according to Bible time is strighforwar and fi nishable”. But, however, time needed measurment. How should we measure it’s duration and longevity? Where does this long and short time period exist? In past? But it does not exist any more. In future? But it still not here. How could this two time exist if the fi rs one does not excist any more and second one is still not here? If present would always stay as resent and do not transfer in to past, it would not be time but- infi nity. But, everything that happens is part of the future and anything that will happen in future is the past. Problem of time is most importan issue in “Naked Lunch”. Burroughs connects the meaning of the time by numerous Biblical paralels.
ლიტერატურა, რომანი, აშშ, Literature, Novel, USA
ამერიკის შესწავლის საკითხები, VIII, 2021, გვ.: 338-343 / Journal of American Studies, VIII, 2021, p.: 338-343