Perception of the service quality connected with personal selling by Georgian consumers

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Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Press
The paper shows the role of marketing communications. Particularly, emphasizes the importance of personal selling in the sphere of relations with consumers. In the work analyzed of issues perception of service quality. For studying the perception of the service quality connected with Personal Selling, conducted a marketing research. There Is established the ratings of determining the factors of professionalism, prestige and efficiency of the work of personal sellers. In the paper is given a dispersion analysis of the impact of service quality determinants (reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and tangibles) on service quality connected with personal selling. On the basis of the conducted study, are given conclusions that reflect the attitude of Georgian consumers of the service quality connected with personal selling.
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personal selling; perception of the service quality; Georgian market; consumers; marketing research
III International Scientific Conference: "Challenges of Globalization in Economics and Business", Tbilisi, 2018, pp. 156-164