Research of the market demand for economics and business faculty graduates of the Tbilisi State University

The paper depicts the market demand for economics and business faculty graduates of I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. The discussed issues include description of the employed graduates, the faculty image, advantages of the aforementioned graduates compared to those of the other universities, key employment criteria etc. The results of the study were delivered to the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia.
1. Анкета опроса хозяйственных субъектов – 116 c. 2. Материалы Грузстата – 3. М.Хмаладзе. Статистика в экономике и бизнесе. Часть первая – Теория статистики. Тбилиси, 2015 – 390 с. 4. М.Хмаладзе. Статистика в экономике и бизнесе. Часть вторая – Экономическая статистика. Тбилиси, 2015 – 447 с.
I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, assessment of the proficiency level, the grade point average (G.P.A.)
III Международная научно-практическая конференция. 19-20 март 2016. Киев.